Scholarships are available for agricultural professionals wishing to attend conferences to further their knowledge of sustainable agriculture practices. That knowledge should be applied to existing and new local programming upon completion of the event.
Reimbursable expenses include lodging, registration, meals, airfare and mileage. Those chosen for travel scholarships will be expected to complete a survey immediately after the conference/event to receive their reimbursement. They will also be expected to complete a second survey six to nine months after the event on how the information was used in their work and the number of individuals with whom the information was shared.
SARE Travel Scholarship application process
Before the travel
- Follow instructions on how to fill out form. Travel scholarships are accepted throughout the year but should be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the travel.
- Once we receive your application you will receive a confirmation email. Allow 1 week for the decision.
- If your application is approved, we will state the amount that the travel scholarship will cover, not more than $800. Travel costs that exceed this amount will have to be covered by you.
- Individuals may only receive one travel scholarship per year.
- You will pay for the travel expenses upfront and will get reimbursed after the travel (see below). The reimbursement will be processed by UNL business offices using SARE funds (in other words, checks will come from UNL, not SARE). Make sure to keep receipts for hotels, parking etc. Receipts for meals are not required as we pay for meals per diem.
After the travel
- Please fill out the Visiting Personnel Expense Voucher. Under the heading Travel Expenses, please note the following:
- Meals are reimbursed on a per diem basis. Indicate whether any meals were provided by the hotel (such as breakfast) or conference.
- For mileage please add a log or copy of Google Maps or Mapquest. We do not reimburse for gas.
- For all other expenses (parking, airfare, hotel) please attach a receipt.
- Fill out the Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey.
- Attach all forms to an email and send to us. You will receive a confirmation email. Please know that currently it is taking 6 to 8 weeks for the UNL business offices to process the expense requests.
- After 6 to 9 months, please fill out the Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (6 – 9 Months) and email to us.
- Thank you!
Please be aware that any funds you or your organization receive from SARE/UNL are subject to taxes.
Travel Scholarship Application (Word, 1 pg, 68 KB)
Travel Scholarship Application (PDF, 1 pg, 104 KB)
Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (Word, 1 pg, 57 KB)
Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (PDF, 1 pg, 114 KB)
Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (6-9 months) (Word, 1 pg, 56 KB)
Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (6-9 months) (PDF, 1 pg, 94 KB)
Completed documents should be mailed or emailed to a Nebraska State SARE Coordinator.
Katja Koehler-Cole
Statewide Soil Health Management Extension Educator
Eastern Nebraska Research & Extension Center
1071 County Road G
Ithaca, NE 68003
Phone: (402) 624-8042
Ben Beckman
Cedar County Extension
101 East Centre
PO Box 368
Hartington, NE 68739
Phone: (402) 254-6821